Credits go to: @UpsettedFizz For His thread on Hey All. Recently I've seen people asking like how do we hide information or quote people: So here's a guide to help you! BB code does the same thing as HTML, except the syntax is much simpler. It allows you to format your messages without changing the layout of the web page you are viewing. This can be very helpful in many ways. Note: Instead of using parentheses, use brackets, namely [ and ]. I am doing this in order to prevent the formatted version of the text from coming through in my posted thread. Linking Pretty simple, just type (URL)what you're linking(/URL). You also do this with with email, same as URL linking, except put EMAIL in place of URL, and the email address instead of the URL address. Advanced Linking This can be achieved by typing (URL=what you're linking)words you want to be clicked(/URL). Again, same goes for email addresses, except in place of URL type EMAIL, and in place of URL address, the email address. Eg: Suggestion Forum Tagging UsersWhen you tag a user in a post, it sends them alert saying that you tagged them in that thread. You can tag someone by typing (USER=their id)their forums name(/USER). I'm User 6038 So to tag me you would write (USER=6038)KingAlex(/user) But there's a much easier way to do it. Just Do @ Then Their name. Eg. @KingAlex Images This will post the image that you link. Simply type (IMG)image url(/IMG). The image will show up as an image, not a link, in your post. Media (e.g. videos) Say that you want to put a video in your post. Instead of putting a link, what this will do is show the player of that video, and the video can be played without the viewer leaving the web page. You can do this by typing (MEDIA=website)link(/MEDIA). e.g. (MEDIA=youtube)link(/MEDIA). Quoting We all know what quoting is, just click the reply button under someone's post and viola, you've replied to their post. You can do a couple other things with quote BB code. Say you want to just put a quote in, not necessarily saying who said it. Type (Quote)words(/Quote). Say you wanted to quote something that someone said outside of that thread, then you would type (Quote=person)words(/Quote). e.g. Attaching Since this isn't in the toolbar, I thought I should cover this. Mainly used to attach pictures. Type (Attach)what you're attaching(/Attach) for a thumbnail size version. Type (Attach=full)what you're attaching(/Attach) for a full size version. This can be much more easily achieved by clicking the "Upload a File" button located below your message window: Hidden Content If you want something to be hidden from the public so only staff members can see it, use hidden content. Type (hide)words(/hide). Use this if you want to say something in private to the staff, or if you need to post a transaction ID, receipt, a report for mods. Hidden Content: You must reply before you can see the hidden data contained here. Spoilers Use spoilers to hide immediate text, but when clicked, shows the text. You can create a spoiler by typing (spoiler)words(/spoiler). If you'd like there to be words on the spoiler box, type (spoiler=words)words(/spoiler). e.g Spoiler Hi this is a test Spoiler: words this is a test Thanks for reading! I hope this helped Test any of this below or at
Just made a thread where people can test out their BB Code they learned, would you please link that thread on yours?
HEHE YAY c: LETS ALL DO IT! Spoiler: Click for something speical Click for something speical Spoiler I Am a noob!