This thread is for the discussion on the New infection after the restart. My Opinion. If you read this Cyp Thanks for spending 2-4 Hours or how ever long it was to fix it <3 Even i lost p8 and players lost their prestige's, i find it a great restart. See i wanted to leave due to it getting a bit boring, no new maps, and maps being grieved. But 2 maps were added That are great. The first on Espons Is Huge but amazing. @Javiasor @Rythen @Tigr and who ever else built it did an amazing in job! The spawn is brilliant, then you go out of spawn into this brilliant made, with high detailed cave. Then further down a small village with a huge water fall area. It is huge. I Haven't played the second one but my guess it will be great. Alot of people may have lost their prestige when logging in. I Did but Cyp was nice and gave me 120 levels <3 I Find this though a brilliant restart and making me looking forward to playing a lot more. Infection is getting the love it needed for awhile after the prestige's glitched and The maps were griefed. Lets hope for some more great maps! I cant wait to play more of the new maps and any maps that are getting fixed. Hijacked was nerved :p Ice was removed, spawn changed etc. If you haven't gotten on to infection yet, you should. Post below what you think of the new Maps :p Im also writing this to thank the Crew and cyp, for once and not have a thread, where they are attacked. KingAlex! <3
I was at work when this happened. the map that was meant to be in the server now, crashed the network.(File was too large). The map was built by Rythen. Told you this would be great . I hope you loved it.
So far I've seen 2, the desert looking one with jungle logs and The esponos one. Hopefully there will be more.
@Tigr @Rythen @Javiasor The waterfall map is way to big and not suitable for infection... How did you even get this added in infection.
The map wasn't originally made for infection but a random build I did months ago. Cyp checked it out and liked it. It was his decision it should be added.