Hello fellow members of Mineverse! Today, I would like to express my deepest concerns on the Future of Mineverse Infection. As many of you know, Infection is now totally griefed. Lets look at each map, shall we? Lets start with Jungle... Aside from a few vines missing here and there, nothing important have changed. However, one tree, the top right tree from spawn, has missed a lot of vines at the back of the tree, which will allow humans to have a bigger chance to win. Forest: The forest is also not very griefed, aside from a few leaves here and there. Mineshaft is okay as it is. Okay, now I'll go to Halloween... It is TOTALLY griefed. Almost all the cobwebs have been stripped, and there are only a few camping spots for humans. The only good thing about this is that zombies can be able to win. Now, lets go look at towers. You guys already know about tower right? The right tower have been griefed, so that players can be able to camp at the top. The circular base behind spawn has been destroyed, and I know for a fact that it was blown by tnt. Nuketown... The whole map is broken. Lets start with the yellow bus. It is now griefed so that humans can block glitch into it, which will also increase the chance of people winning. The old places to boost humans are long gone, so now, people can just walk around each part of the map. Skipping Strongholds and carnival, not important. Now lets get to the Winter maps :p Everyone knows that winter should be covered with snow. However, all of that has been griefed. Winter is now loosing its individuality. Also, may I say that at the back of the map, on the right of spawn, the ladder tree is griefed so players can camp above. As I said before, it gives humans an advantage. Skip Skip For Hijack, I would like to point out that it is no longer fun anymore. Humans are either boosted, or block glitch to get on top. No more camping on the sides of the map. Every since Winter was added ( I don't know if Cyp can move Winter away a bit, but whatever ), the gates were raised so we can't go to the winter map. Lets go to Desert, where it was "Nerfed". So I'm guessing Cyp and Noobcrew blocked the desert cause it gave players an oportunity to go to spawn. Again, move it away a bit. Lastly, on Nether, the buttonless room is now inaccessable because of a lone torch placed on one of the doors. I would like it to be removed, thanks. And before I go, I would really like to talk about Pet hiding, which makes gameplay way easier for humans. Ever since people found out you can hide in pets, they have been taking advantage since. Now, games are won by donors who pet hide, which makes Mineverse Infection less popular. Thank you for reading my long post, and potato. Cheng
Oppil is the only one relevant? :/ Nonetheless, I agree with what you said about the maps. Cyp and Noobcrew are busy though, I don't know how soon they can fix it. Prestige is still bugged and p8+ are still glitched.
I'll be working on Infection soon. I'm adding 2 new maps Epanos & Buried. (Black ops 2 Buried). Buried is only 50/50
Infection is completely ruïned because of the prestige that is broken, maps are broken, etc. They really should fix it... Just the same with pet hiders. Make this a ban omg please.
I still have the winter map in my single player so I can just give it again so it can be fixed, and I made it have a bigger maze below the house. Kinda helps a little I guess.
If you have time, could you please give me the plot owner's name/names? I would like to see the maps.
Restart infection? NO I know you guys are around prestige four or less, but @Scorpio_Venom, @Nightfire88539, @word7032, and @Alexa and the other people who are higher prestiges have worked really hard. We're not giving up 1000 levels or more (Around 1 year of voting) just because some maps are griefed. Maps can easily be rebuilt or repaired, we shouldn't have to sacrifice everything. High prestiges is the equivalent of being the richest person on kitpvp, factions, etc.
I worked hard for those levels. It would be sad if we just suddenly loose them when we earned them . ;-;
You can now prestige again, type /prestige rankup to prestige. I'll work on fixing griefed maps/added new maps soon.