If you might be interested in starting a new kitpvp career, this is the place to go! This guide will go over objectives, how to make money, and how to progress in kitpvp. Part one: Objectives of kitpvp In kitpvp, the main objectives is to get more armor, get richer, and become more well known among the community. However, there is no true set objective to the gamemode. You can truly do whatever you please, whether it be collecting rares, gold, or whatever. Your simple commands are: /! (To get out of tight spots) /jump(God + exclusive) /heal (Elite + exclusive) /m (To message) /r (To reply) /spawn /warp oldspawn /warp shop /seen (To see when the last someone has been online) /auction [amount] [start bid] [minimum bid increment] (To auction items) /tpa /tpahere /tpaccept /echest (Opens enderchest) /Bukkit:kill (Suicide) /Bukkit:me (Sort of like /me) /me (Mini announcement, donors only) /buy (To buy donation ranks) /kit (Shows what kits you have) /kit fight (Free) /kit Commander (500$ in game) /kit captain /kit tempest /kit premium /kit sponsor /kit VIP /kit MVP /kit elite /kit supreme /kit god /kit titan /fix /fix all (titans) /pet (All donors) Every kit or perk above stated may be purchased here PLEASE DO NOT ASK MODERATORS/ADMINS FOR RANKS/CASH/POSITIONS/KITS/ETC. YOU MAY BE ISSUED A KICK, MUTE, TEMPBAN OR PERMABAN FOR CONTINUING. Part Two: How to make money In kitpvp, there are many upon many ways to make money. The simplest way to make money is to kill players. That warrants you 1$. Other ways of possibly making money is by selling items such as armor, weapons, ender pearls, and rares. The choice is yours. Part Three: How to progress The main way to progress in kitpvp is, well, pvping! You eventually want to become rich enough to get yourself a nice set of IV, a nice sword, and whatever you desire most. So thanks for reading, and I hope you found this guide helpful! If you have any questions please refer to the rules, FAQ, or post a thread in the help section. ~DjGamez
Nice info/detail. It'll show those new people what's KitPvP and how to play. ( No offence ) But nice!