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  • Mineverse dead.

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by L1v34evar, Apr 2, 2015.

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    1. L1v34evar

      L1v34evar Active Member

      May 6, 2014
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      This is my resignation letter. I will never play mineverse again. I have invested 100$ into this server. I have spent over 5 days in total playing this server and tonight is the last straw. The amount of hackers is way to much. When I get on at 12:00 am PST and there is 7 hackers within 5 minutes I am baffled. There is no reason to report them because it will not decrease all the hackers that will join anyway. This is a lost server unless the mods and admins step up and fix all the hackers that are on this server. Goodbye.
    2. KingAlex

      KingAlex Well-Known Member

      Jun 25, 2014
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      Bye. They Are doing their best. Yes there are issues, liie mod inactivity but the Admins have nearly 5 servers to run and maintain. They expect the mods can handle it. Every server you go to there will be a hacker. Just record and report as many hackers as you can. They should remain perm banned if they have been banned more than 3 times for the same crime. But good luck where ever you go.
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    3. ScoFu13

      ScoFu13 Retired Head-Mod

      Nov 17, 2013
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      You spent 5 days and decided to spend 100 bucks.. GG..
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    4. GizzBots

      GizzBots Well-Known Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      Hi, I'm Gizz.

      I invested $80 into the server, and having come from a poor family and having no job, $80 isn't exactly nothing.

      I have always been disappointed in the sheer amount of hackers as well. Rather then sitting there and watching my money goto waste, I decided to get into the community and begin reporting hackers.

      I have had 85 hackers banned until this day, and despite the amount of s*** that I cop from my family for being on the PC so much, I still do it. Why not make it your goal to do this? How hard would it be?

      Whilst having this be a suggestion that I see as good, I will inform you that honestly, the community is not the best. Even the donators hack, it is ridiculous. None of them care, and the mods fly through ban appeals like they're nothing.

      Crew and Cypriot are our only 'admins' that we have at the moment, but realistically, one of them is the owner, and the other is the Co Owner. They look after many servers, and I'm not saying that they don't care, but they can't care at the times they aren't on.

      As for mods, Cyp doesn't promote enough, and the community here don't give anyone the chance to get mod.

      I'm not saying I should be a mod, but while I was applying, all I received was hate. It was ridiculous. I wanted to moderate. I was dedicated. I was ready.

      I'm sorry you feel this way. I hope you can come back eventually and form a brighter opinion of the server. :(
      • Like Like x 4
    5. Grays0n

      Grays0n Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2015
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      I'm not the person that usually supports Mineverse in these type of arguments, but I guess I'll do it in this one.

      Just because you invested money into the server does not mean you take part in the 'decision making' of the server. Only the Administrators have the authority to do so.

      The hackers can be dealt with. Why don't you attempt to help by recording their committed actions, uploading them onto YouTube, and reporting them on the forums?

      Reporting hackers actually does help. You're just letting them increase. If you're not going to do it, whose going to do it? It's really easy to catch a hacker, really... easy...

      Finding more Moderators for the server can be more difficult than you think. You can go through all the applications, and see some pretty good ones. But how many of those applicants would actually suit the position? Barely any of them. There are some that have a lot of potential, and some that have already showed their potential and want to go for another go. People are just hard to trust these days.

      Merkz has been trying to get some things fixed. I apologize that you do not see the things happening 'behind the scenes'. Keep in mind, this server is growing, and it will still be growing for a while.

      I would also like to add, Mineverse is anything but dead.

      Have a nice day.
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    6. Annual

      Annual Experienced Member

      Mar 9, 2015
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      On the other hand, I'm usually the one defending MV in these arguments, however this time I won't.

      Yes, the server itself is doing quite well and I trust Merkz decisions in promoting players, he's not the one to blame here, it's that people abuse the fact that Merkz has trusted them and don't really get the commitment they've taken to helping the server. Most moderators either lose interest in moderating after a long time of doing a good job or just don't get the big picture, right from the jump.

      I don't blame Moderators either, nor should Merkz or any of you, none of the staff are to blame for hackers coming on to the server. It's not like Moderators and players openly advertise the servers and invite hackers to join, it's just simply things that can't be solved in a server without a serious, dedicated development team.

      In my overall point, Mineverse is both doing well and poorly, I think Moderators that have been around longer should actually take some care into moderating, teaching new staff, instead of just going on and doing the minumum. I get that people write their reasons in the mod section, but is that really enough when there are excuses so frequently? I know, I know, it's not their fault they have issues that arise, but still, if it happens this often that staff(sometimes the same ones, every time) cannot get on, why is there even a point to Moderating?

      I seriously want some of the staff to ask themselves why they are a Moderator, not why they are a good one, not why they can't get on, but to just think to themselves for a little bit and actually figure out why you're moderating if you know you can't be committed to the server.
    7. Grays0n

      Grays0n Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2015
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      If Mineverse is doing poorly, describe me how all of their statistics are high?
      This is the highest they've been in a while.
      When I was staff, Mineverse wasn't even close to 1,000 players on at once...
      Moderators have a lot of more things to do now. More gamemodes, more players, more everything.
      The only reason it looks poorly to players is because they are still working on things.
      Just because there hasn't been an outcome yet, doesn't mean they aren't working on things.

      It's not that they are really doing poorly either. The things that are needed to be done, are in the process of being completed. It's tedious and takes time.
    8. KingAlex

      KingAlex Well-Known Member

      Jun 25, 2014
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      So true, and like Merkz and crew are behind the scenes dealing with donation issues, bugs, new game modes etc. They are busy its not their fault. You will also never get rid of all the hackers, there will always be one or two.
    9. Annual

      Annual Experienced Member

      Mar 9, 2015
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      First off, I never even mentioned players, at all... I said the server was doing both well and poorly, nothing about players.
      I understand Moderators have more to do, I never questioned that and I honestly don't think you get the point, the server just isn't doing well right now, it has a good playerbase because it's a hub with around 20 servers on it. Let me compare something to you, [PVP server starting with K] gets around 1000 players with around 3-4 servers, we get around 1100 with around 18-20 servers, comparing those two and the fact they were around the same time shows to me how successful this server is doing.

      A server, just because it might do well in the future, isn't always doing well, no matter what server it is. This server just isn't doing well at the moment from my point of view.
    10. Grays0n

      Grays0n Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2015
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      I've only talked to Merkz when he's been doing things.
      A couple of days ago we were talking while he was handling some bugs with Parkour.

      I have no idea about Crew.
    11. Grays0n

      Grays0n Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2015
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      Players have to do a lot with the server's statistics, popularity, maintenance and such. That is why I mentioned them.

      "From my point of view."
      You never stated that in the first post.

      Also, I'm looking at this from a general perspective, not a perspective from comparing to other servers.
      If we were comparing to servers, it would be good and bad; you can't get around that.

      I'm saying that the current state Mineverse (as a whole), is pretty good in general.
      It's potential is greater, it is larger, everything has improved.

      I'm excited to see the new upcoming updates I've heard about. ;)
    12. KingAlex

      KingAlex Well-Known Member

      Jun 25, 2014
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      Last time I saw him on teamspeak, he was dealing with a bug in skyblock and donation issues from name changes on mineverse at the same time.
    13. Bantz

      Bantz Boss Member

      Oct 17, 2014
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      This makes no sense, we pay to this server to get killed by hackers while moderators do nothing? The staff are reliable on US to ban all the hackers. I'm pretty sure NONE OF US want to waste our memory space on our devices, those are the moderators jobs which they're not doing, how pathetic is that?
    14. Grays0n

      Grays0n Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2015
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      You cannot blame the Moderators for the hackers.
      That's like blaming the guards at a bank for the bank being robbed.
    15. Bantz

      Bantz Boss Member

      Oct 17, 2014
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      ~Pros of Mineverse
      2nd on the minecraft server list
      Servers are unique
      A neutral community
      Cons of Mineverse
      Moderators are barely on of the eastern timezone
      Moderators expect US NORMAL PLAYERS to report the hackers
      A colossal amount of hackers.
    16. Annual

      Annual Experienced Member

      Mar 9, 2015
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      Obviously anything said that isn't pure fact is an opinion, which is my personal point of view.
      "You never stated that in the first post."

      "If we were comparing to servers, it would be good and bad; you can't get around that."
      "In my overall point, Mineverse is both doing well and poorly" ^

      I'm not here for an argument, I've stated that Mineverse isn't doing great and it isn't doing terribly, it's just, doing alright. The staff here aren't as dedicated as they are on other servers, the majority of the community just hates on staff and fellow players for things they can't control. Overall, a server is a LOT more than profit or popularity, it's about what makes it that server, it's about how a community is run and stabilized. To me that's not the greatest, currently.
    17. Bantz

      Bantz Boss Member

      Oct 17, 2014
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      But its the Moderators job to get rid of the hackers.
    18. Malc

      Malc The Pro Moderator Premium

      Oct 10, 2014
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    19. Grays0n

      Grays0n Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2015
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      That doesn't mean they are failing.
      They cannot catch everyone.
      It's tiring having to defend moderators every damn day.
      If you're going to talk to me about a subject on a perspective tell me what perspective you're defending.
      Of course staff here aren't the staff on other servers. They aren't the same.
      The staff have changed, I agree. But the staff does not make the server what it is; the community does.
      The server has a lot of potential, profit, and popularity currently.
      I'm sure they are taking advantage of that.
      Just know, Mineverse isn't done yet.
      Nothing can really be determined bad or good, but when it comes to statistics, this server is doing great.

      I'm also not here to change your mind on the state Mineverse is in.
      That's your opinion, and I respect that.
      I will not respond do another response regarding this topic, due to not wanting a flame war to spark.

      Thanks for the debate, though.
      I needed it, lol.
    20. Bantz

      Bantz Boss Member

      Oct 17, 2014
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      Lol "They cannot catch everyone" They catch absolutely no-one. I agree some moderators are sensational but some are lousy.
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