I took little brake for mc cause I had been revising for my German exam, now I'm gonna be on every day Thanks for the support it means allot
Over my past experience I know for a fact that you are not a reliable player. Many times I have see yourself, SpartanPvP, Thunder0727 and SkillBill63 trapping people and many of those times was me and Jedstarman7 being trapped. Me and jed are irl cousins and yes we may fight in 2's but you fought in 4's. Every time we beet you so you trapped us and I'm guessing you did that to allot of other players. Also in skype calls the amount of cursing you were saying to me and jed was unreal, and you call yourself mature? No support from me and I'm sorry but you do not deserve mod and I have high hopes that the mods are wise enough not to mod you.