You were an awesome mod in my opinion. You are a nice, and cool guy, and we should totes hang together sometime. I've seen you a couple times on A PvP. You seem nice to me Where do I begin? A fantastic person overall, with a great and lovable personality. The few days that I got to work with you were awesome, and I look forward to working with you again (when you are promoted, because ofc you will be) <3 A really great friend. You have stuck with me while others left me in the dust. Thank you
You are a funny guy, but I have only seen you on forums. I want to see you in game Mr Pigglesworth :D You are a funny and great friend. Keep being awesome.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D::D: D:: :Fgmtrfudcixokrpdlec;dc,x4rmed9si6v urf3t2yg hjkgmtrfdsr9vtdg4 ybdjxfdew sdfv trfdrgtrfgdrgrfdgrefdcg hjdg54rgefdgf tt7yvcdnrusrc3rvvdfgv4gr WILL DO MR. MUDKIP
I've seen you on Prison, and you seem respectable. Tin Your training helped me be ready for the job I have today. Not to mention you are an amazing head-guard. Van <3 Before joining the staff team I didn't know much about you, but now, I know you are an amazing person. 8/8 mod m8.
You have been a great friend of mine for a while. Keep being great I have seen you multiple times in game and you seem very nice.
Oi didn't see this till just now. I've seen you a couple times around, don't really know you tbh, but maybe that could change