I see plenty of players while I am on that solicit the fact that they are using hacks or hacked clients to raid bases/fight other players. They also tell others to go get such-n-such hacked client for the hacks. Is none of this bannable? I understand to a point that they could be joking but it should be after a number of warnings that they get kicked/banned/muted (for a time period extending after every offense).
Selling hacked clientele is not actually illegal if I am correct but I can see how you would think or want it to be as if you buy or sell you have them then decide of you wanna use them. But it encourages them to use them.
When I was a Moderator, I joked saying I had hacks. No reason to punish for simple words that don't break the rules.
I agree not bannable. BUT, I feel that any player joking about hacks, should be monitored just incase. Because they could be joking, or they could not be. No harm in watching.
I used to hack and have clients, deleted my client cause I needed space and mc to run better and quit hacking cause there's no reason on hacking. Point being saying you hack means nothing unless you actually do.
Ikr, you're not SUPPOSED to use a client or have one on your PC at all when on MV, but people do and get away with it. What's even the point of that? Let me load my PC with infected files that lag me up so I can have hacks, yay minecraft. Come on, think.
You're allowed to HAVE a hacked client, and at some points use it(well, for certain things and it's looked down on). If you get your clients from certain sites and have a good anti virus, infected files wouldn't be a problem.
It's in the rule book you can't have a hacked client like huzuni and resilience and so on, if you're using full bright just download a mod for it. No need to have all the extra kill aura and so on.
Hacked clients are mostly disallowed. Some exceptions can be found Mostly. ;) I, myself don't think it's worth the risk, but I only use them every once in a while to find out what's new, ect.
Well DCM obviously doesn't know the rules the best. :P I just copied that. In the FAQ, Cyp changed it so you couldn't use hacked clients at all, but what's to stop people from doing it? The current rules to not state that you cannot EVER used one.
Not gonna get into an argument right now, you win. Just was telling you what a mod says, and Cyp changed it so that you can never use one. That was my source