So as you know in the title, Mineverse Factions is in need of a full reset. Things are getting a bit too OP like - 64 Super Golden Apples being auctioned almost everytime now People have started to have super high balances. Like OP donors bid millions and doesn't give the normal players a chance to win something. There's a money hack going around. Duplication, yes, duplication, it happened again. Super Golden Apples are being duplicated somehow. Although I do not know how/the-source of it, theres something going on. They're auctions of over 1000 Diamond Blocks sometimes. Giving the defaults a chance, now that Donors all the most OP on factions now, it's very hard for a normal default player to wonder off spawn without being demolished by some super high donor. Mcmmo is being manipulated. People are using hacked clients to build things such as - unarmed[going afk at night with kill aura on. To kill any mobs in your path] - Mining skills[Speed mining] - Acrobatics[I don't know, but it requires a cactus and a client] Griefing and Spawn claiming is becoming more frequent. People are starting to claim spawn which is making hard to pvp because you have to enemy every owner of the claim. Spawn Griefing, people are starting to use kitty cannon to blow up spawn[all though This has been resolved, it's still happening]. Factions really needs a reset. For anyone who plays factions regularly, you will understand. But I do know the risk, like people losing all their hard work and stuff like that. It's for the best for Factions. If this keeps up, Factions is gonna end up like Factions2 again. I Will soon provide pictures to go along with this.
Yes, because you have stacks and stacks off super golden apples. So of course you wouldn't want a reset because you won't want to stop being OP. You're being very selfish to other players.
Support. Someone named "Zero_Insanity" auctioned over four stacks of super golden apples. RIP econemy.
Agent, I worked months for my god apples, And it 2 1/2 stacks next You ** DO NOT CUSS ON THE FORUMS** LeBrand you understand nothing of factions, The goal it to become op and the best of the best. WE worked for months for are items mcmmo and bases. If you think it should be reset go create your own server or go to a different server, Because only select few will wanna join you.
There isn't a money hack.. it's a screw up with pricing at the shop that allows for unlimited money gain.
Hello all. The factions server was reset on October 9, 2014. I don't think that the server will be reset so soon. But I do support this! <> The economy is very unbalanced. Although this could be because the players who have all that money did in fact work very hard for it, by obtaining items from mining or raiding, we don't know for sure. The spawn, I agree is messed up. The old server's "spawn" and "Warzone" factions helped stop stuff like that from happening. As for the other hacking claims, personally I haven't seen it, but it they have a hacked client, what can the Mineverse staff do? They don't have the power to stop stuff like that. My best suggestion to all players who play in Mineverse, is to report report report. If you see someone "hacking", screenshot them or record them even. Then contact a moderator or post on forums. To eliminate the hackers we need to work together!!! Ps, have you had an encounter with TNT not blowing up a faction base?