I expect you'll be meeting the same demise as Panda soon enough, learn some respect and learn it quickly. nah.
I hope you do realise that some moderators are in school, using their cellphone to watch the forums. Some may just forget the forum browser open if they leave the computer locked and leave the house for something. Some may just forget that the browser is open if they're watching something, e.g Netflix. They may be watching the forum because they do not have access to a computer at that time.
When you said that mods are usually on forums but should be in game that doesn't mean we are on our laptop or computer it could be our phone too you know..
Agreed. mods are rarely online, on skyblock we have finally gotten a mod that is actually online, I am very satisfied with Melgrath, he is online and helps. but before he was promoted and anyone needed help on skyblock, it was impossible to find, once I was trapped on skyblock and i needed help, so I went through every game mode and found 1 mod, but believe it or not that mod was no help, since the mod was not global. I think I've seen enough of inactive mods, and I agree with almost every demotion, even though we need more mods. most of them aren't qualified.
Cyp just can't go promoting anyone... Honestly he is limited to the applicants he has. Speaking frankly, there are not a ton of great apps in there. Cyp promotes when and how he sees fit for the needs of the server. I agree we need more moderators, but why not do something different. Instead of these pointless threads talking about the same old sh!t, maybe talk to a player you know that might be a great idea for staff? Ask them if they have a forums account or if they've ever thought about giving back to the server and community? Have thought provoking conversations with the active members you see in game everyday about filling out a mod app. I mean honestly speaking any one of us with apps open can easily say "we are what the server needs!" or "why not give me staff?" "If only I was mod!!" but he would promote if he saw us fit. Talk to kids you know in game. Be nice to eachother. Change starts with each one of us. Quit being crappy bustards to eachother. Who knows... that one that's being bullied could be the staff we've been waiting for.
I don't see why you would need to create a thread that was already created about a week ago. Attention maybe? I'll promote more mods when I feel like the time is ready, I am not going to promote 50 moderators at once..
This goes for the current staff as well. If @Troy had never approched me in game and asked me if I had ever thought about moderating I may have never filled out an app, and if @dirty_ninja hadn't almost shoved that crappy app down Cyp's throat I may never have been chosen.... and if my memory serves me right @Glaadiator may have never filled out an app had @MrParkourGuy not inspired her to do so and lucky for her I listened to MPG when he told me she wasn't one of those "Creative weirdo kids". (you know exaaaaactly the ones I'm talking about) lol Any one of us who have been staff or have filled out an application were inspired to do so. Be that person for someone else. I was just a quiet player in game that kept to myself. No one even knew who I was besides a few mods. Just goes to show, you never know who might be the next good staff. <3
In your time, we had the best staff team for mine verse. Everything was going well and mineverse was in its golden days. Everyone was active especially you, Grayson, glad, and mpg IMO.
In all developed countries 13 year old children are not considered responsible for anything, not to drink, smoke or drive, not to vote because their opinion doesn't matter, yet in mineverse they are given the responsibility of being moderators and run a server, what do you expect to happen? I dont blame them cause they still have school to attend and they can get grounded for not eating their veggies. I blame those who allowed them to become mods based on a popularity contest in first place. Every server needs at least 4 mature mods that would be available at any time on the server, not on the forums. On skyblock we celebrate every time a mod is on cause the server is much more quiet and spam free but one mod cant be 24/7 on the server and no sensible person is expecting him to be. Feel free to hate, truth hurts the delusional people.