Hey guys, I've been thinking about something. There are a LOT of hackers on Mineverse. Sometimes, people say things like "(name)! Don't hack!" and the hacker turn off his/her hacks before someone records him/her then turns it on again in a later period when nobody with a recorder is on. Messaging a mod is fine, yet putting it on a global chat is not. My point is to record the hacker without him/her noticing it. Edit: I've changed my mind about how the punish of this work, mute is problably the harshest it can go.
There is nothing wrong with hackusating? I get called a hacker all the time, I don't care. Kids are going to say anything if they lose something. You wanting kids to be banned for thinking their opponent is hacking and calls them out on it? That is just idiotic.
Here's the point, I have captured a lot of hackers that turns off their hacks after someone hacksuates. If the person thinks his/her opponent is hacking, keep it to themself.
No support. Hackusations are fine, if it's not spam. It helps players and Moderators know who to look out for. And if they turn their hacks off, isn't that good..?
Support to me hackusating is what you call spam it just serves no purpose at all and just does nothing. No one cares that someone is hacking I actually personally don't like people saying others hack if you have a problem with it just report them and half the time people falsely accuse others the only thing I don't support is the fact of banning I only support muting.
Messaging a mod is fine, the hacker will not notice at all wouldn't they? If you say it in global chat, he/she'll turn it off before you or another mod tps then turn it on later on.
No support. People call me hacker all the time just because I beat them. I don't care as long as I know a I am not hacking. Also if a moderator is online just give them a heads up no need to spam the chat "ALEXA HACKS MOD BAN HER NOOOOWW"