Not sure what to say, because im tired of it. Anyways, ive been banned twice on KitPvP for "hacking", then i uploaded my PoV and they always unban me the next day. Then i get banned AGAIN yesterday...guess how... KILL AURA..LOL WHAT Is this Kill Aura? I dont think some mods can tell the difference between Good PvP strafes and Hacking This is what im currently banned for I Even uploaded my own PvP, and he said it was "hacking" SMH.... this is hacking? Pretty funny because if i had Kill aura, i would be hitting everyone LOL. plz upgrade or teach some of the mods how minecraft works. so he said im not using Aimbot, but he says im usuing "Kill Aura". No Wonder there are barely any good PvP'ers on KitPvP, because most of them probably get banned. PS- my latest video like my hacks guys? **EDITED.** is where the good people are at (my IGN is SpeedyNinjaZ)
I'm not taking sides but, I know you don't hack. We aren't teamed at all but when we fight you can wreck me badly, but I know you don't hack.
How is ADVERTISING OTHER SERVERS NOT A PERM BAN?!?! This is actual trash now. I bet you $1000 if I even MENTIONED another server I'd get perm banned. How bs is this? RACISM
Kill aura does come with a built in Aimbot. With Kill Aura you have to physically move your mouse to hit the person, with Aimbot and Kill Aura together, you won't miss at all.
Incorrect. Killaura hits for you. All you really do is have to talk around. If you're behind said hacking player it will auto hit them. Please read up on your hacks :L
Ahh, hacks must have changed quite a bit since this time last year... But yeah, I will look into the hacks. It will allow me to identify people using them. Thanks :D
TBH I didn't even know that Killaura worked on its own. I know aimbot works but I was pretty sure NC+ blocked Killaura.