Hello mineverse, My name is Zero or Kaleb which ever you prefer to call me. But threw my 1 1/2 years on mineverse or so i have never felt so ashamed of this servers community. When i joined it was all accepting and happy. Now it has gone down to the point of my personal friends have been told to cut themselves and they don't deserve life by people on this server. I think it would only be right if we started taking more action on players who disrespect to the point of telling people to take there own life's. And as proof this is happening on mineverse, Ill show you some screen shots of this happening off game communication. (This is Zektron and Alyssax3 making fun of idy.) And even though this is not a part of my problem, I still feel this sorta stuff is complete bull crap and disrespect and at that i would like to request a lobby ban for the 2 players who made the disrespectful comments above, Which are Zektron and Alyssaax3 @canucksfan44 @fryzigg @CypriotMerks
Dude, I'm zektron. First off, this is outside of MV, I don't see why you would want me banned. I haven't said shiz to you on KIK. So stop requesting for me to get banned just because I got you banned. This is sickening. And what're you talking about? Lobby ban? Look at you're self zero_inzanity. You post bad things of other people but you don't post the horrible things you also say which is twice as worse. You gave away all my DNS, and Network information in public, gave away my private information. You have no room to talk. You have no right to get me banned on something that happened outside of mv. Just stop. You make me sick to my stomach. And stop acting like what you posted saddens you. You barely come on the forums. You're trying to get people on your side by acting like you care about everything now. You don't, you're one of the reasons why this community is going down because of what you say to people on various game modes. I can bring in the screen shots. Stop. And... those are F***idy's screenshots. Not yours. I saw those exact same ones from her that SHE took. Hahaha, we make fun of F***idy? Please, she's the one the lied and cussed us all out, and even threatened to DOX me(Which she failed)And im not gonna post them because they're so bad that I would get a forum ban. So stop bringing topics onto mineverse. This has NOTHING to do with the community. If anyone should be banned. It should be you, Zero.
@Alexa @Mega @Ares_Xena @larrythebird101 @canucksfan44 @fryzigg @Dontchallengeme @PandaBear__ @Yin @Princess @Nightfire88539[/USER @Lola Perez @CypriotMerks @Noobcrew
...Don't really know why you're tagging mods..unless you're trying to make yourself look like a pile of s**t in front of mods..
We cannot ban for things that happen over Skype, kik, etc. Only in game. I'm not gonna sit here and act surprised and baffled over this stuff, it sadly happens all the time to people. Though this shows that some people need to look at themselves and grow up.
Why is he requesting a ban for something on KIK? Why do we want to know what people say on KIK that isn't ours? I agree this is pretty pitiful, but come on, no need to be requesting a ban on someone that didn't say this on MV.
OK IDY, No need to share that, I think that's enough with you two fighting it out on MV. Stop posting what others say not on MV.