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    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by x_taco_guy_x, Mar 24, 2015.

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    1. x_taco_guy_x

      x_taco_guy_x Active Member

      Mar 22, 2015
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      Intro :
      Hello , my name is x_taco_guy_x my real name is Michael . I get into my application I would like to say some things . I have worked very hard and long in this application putting in my best effort and dedication . I even double checked . Please leave some positive feedback not negative . Like some feedback that will give me advice for perfecting my applications to come . I want to say why I choose these games to moderator .
      I have seen very little or none moderators on these two mini games . And yet there are so many people with questions that need help that always don't get answered ! I want to step up and fix that . I want to help all these people that can't get helped .

      How old are you ?
      I am 12 years of age .

      What is your in-game name ?
      What Time zone do you live in ?
      I live in the central timezone (America) what languages do you speak ?
      I speak to languages I am very fluent and good at them .
      English and Spanish . I learned Spanish from my mom she was very good at Spanish and she taught me . english was my original language

      Why do you think you should be a moderator ?
      Yes I am very aware of my age . And I know that many people will under estimate me a 12 year old when it comes to matureness . Most kids at my age have behavior issues or not obedient and just plane rude .
      I am much different from most of them . I am very mature in my actions and take everything seriously.
      I do what is told and behave , listen , and I don't slack around no matter what inside of school and out I am mature . and that is just the plane truth . I am also In boy scouts witch requires you to be mature and obedient . I have learned how to be mature from boy scouts . And many other activities .

      A good person
      I strive everyday to become a better person . as in simply saying something nice to someone to cheer them up . or helping someone . This is what I do ever do in my normal life . not only in game or on forums . I also am a good person because i notice some people at school and they just look lonely like they need a friend . So I go and cheer them up , and become there friend .

      Inspirational / encouraging
      If you do not know yet I have a series that I do I have been doing it for about a year but on a different server I have recently started it on this server. It is called quote of the day . It is where I post a inspirational quote to encourage or inspire people . I did some test on this series that I am doing and I have found A huge impact on people and a change in environment . I had one person say that this has even changed there day because of the series . This is also my every day goal .

      Reliable / Trustworthy
      When it comes to to remembering something or having someone rely on my to do something I always get it done . I am very trustworthy also . When it comes to a task someone ask me to do , they can trust me like my friends because they know that I can get the job / task done .

      Active (in-game / forums )
      You will find me on forums lots and also in game majorly . If you go to infection or creative you can find me on there tons . I am always online for most of the day . on forums you can find me a lot helping and answering questions !

      I am very honest . I know how tempting it
    2. x_taco_guy_x

      x_taco_guy_x Active Member

      Mar 22, 2015
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      Can i delete this
    3. Malc

      Malc The Pro Moderator Premium

      Oct 10, 2014
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    4. x_taco_guy_x

      x_taco_guy_x Active Member

      Mar 22, 2015
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      How do I delete this I did not mean to post this application UGGGGGG ! please help !
    5. Malc

      Malc The Pro Moderator Premium

      Oct 10, 2014
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      Wait for a mod to come and lock it. I already tagged two. :P
    6. Valor

      Valor Well-Known Member

      Nov 2, 2013
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      Thread Locked on request.
      If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it.

      Kind regards,
      The Staff
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