Way i cannot place dispensers or dropers? Also where i can buy Nether Quartz, in shop you can buy only Block of Quartz i cannot build Redstone Comparator wiaduth it
They have been disabled as they are used to duplicate items through nether portals and such, sorry for the inconvenience.
No, the end is currently not disabled although there are no warps to the End. If I were you, I'd ask a friend or a fellow to make a deal so that they can teleport you to the end.
You never answered the quartz question. I for one would enjoy the ore or single pieces of quartz to create a daylight sensor or even just to utilize the other crafting recipes that come with it.
Since there is no quarts in the shop you have to use the McMMO ability "Excavation" and level it up to at least 950 I think it is then when you break dirt/grass/sand you should get quartz from it.
The problem is that there would be h@ckers with chest ESP... the only way is to keep them in dispensers...