Okay, but if you're letting a 8 year old on minecraft where you chat then you'd expect that sort of stuff, But I agree it does need to be stopped because the're younger ones that play.
I'm pretty sure but I need Cypriot/Crew to accept it We can look at creative chat and report them if this is bannable. Everyday has surely 1 donor/non-donor spamming clubs. a girl donor named LollyPop[number] Saying 'Say 123 if you have a Sex club!' OMG
I wouldn't state things if you aren't 110% sure they are correct. Trying to sound smart VS Trying to sound smart and being incorrect are two very different things.
I would like to uhh, have the sex in the Minecraft. This will not stop it simply as people will still put it in Global.
#DisableBeds #DisableRP #DisableCreative Seriously, support. But for real, that hashtags are insane ;l
16x16? wtf you think I'm cheap, your house better be 30+ with lush interior and room for me to relax.
Hmm. I'm sitting on a three-way line here! I could push you for it and call your bluff, accept it and move on or proceed to mock you about size and that you need to be bigger than me to get with me. I'm an exclusive bitch.