1. Sometimes I need more then 5 minutes to recognize I did something wrong. More time to edit ur post/message after u've posted it. 2. A "Remove" button, to remove ur post, cause u for instance see it has become very irrelevant. (And so that u dont have to ask the staff.) 3. Increase the maximal amount of video's u can upload in a post? For some guide posts u want to see every video. PS: thus were an update for @Alexa, commentary from @Annual were not inserted.
also they should add an unlimited amount of uploads in a thread because i had to do 2 threads for my map xD
1) As far as I know there isn't an item time on posts..? 2) Eh, just edit it to [Removed] or something, the reason I say you shouldn't be allowed to remove it is so you can get infractions for something you've said(Even though Mods can still see deleted/edited posts) I believe it would be easier to enforce the rules/report peoples' posts. 3) This would just create spam, just add a (dot) in the link to post links instead of embedding the video.
I suggest adding more detail on what you're actually suggesting because I am really confused right now.
He's suggesting more "time" to edit(Even though I don't think there's an edit time), the ability to remove your own posts and being able to post more videos in one post.
Yeah I don't think there is a time... Unless he means that thing where you have to wait 20 seconds before posting again?