Title says it all. Specify what sword you want me to get for you in prison with the sword type, enchants, name, and your own IGN. I'll give the price. If you don't like my price, you can try forging it yourself. G'day. You do the requesting, I do the rest. -Alan's Prison Forge First Week Discount~~~50%OFF
King killer or if you can't thing of a better name tell me :P Wooden or diamond. Make it dangerous, a absolute killer an amazing and I'll give 25k for it :D
Is wooden sword with Sharp V, Fire Aspect II, KB II, Unbreaking III good enough? 6k Sorry, but I can't do this in too much bulk.
KK I'll work on it @LeeLee and @Requiemst I'm still waiting for your confirmation on our deal. Checklist: 1 Sharp V Dia Ax 1 Sharp V FA II KB II UNB III Wooden Sword BTW Alex what name do you want?