How old are you? i'm 14 years old is actually my birthday today. Your in-game name: Froszy What timezone are you in? Like if the time is 20:00 in England then is 21:00 here. What country do you live in? I live in Denmark What languages do you speak? English Danish and a little french Why do you think you should become a mod? Because I'm really mature and have much experience has actually also my own server advertise not ! Tells just information about myself and I'm also really faithful and je gtror also to the missing staff in the OP PVP because we all know how many plays are inside and how many hacker and I can be active very much indeed every day and many hours of the day and I am always happy and ready to help people and je costs actually gOOD because I really like this server and it is one of the only servers I play on and certainly the I play on most all mineverse How long can you be active on the server everyday? 2-4 hours everyday! How long have you been playing Mineverse? Umm is almost two years now Have you ever been banned in the past? No never i'm always nice Do you have any past experience as a moderator? In fact i have been Mod on Denmarks biggest server Which two servers would you like to moderate? (Recommended pick the two servers you play the most)(Prison) (OP PVP)
No support Lack of Information Never seen you on Prison What is the name of Denmark's biggest server?
noobcrew, i can like proper english but sorry google translate were weird just ask me if u want to know what i mean of some of them
Dude actually if u go then u can chance name and u were a default no popular or anything Is Pm night or am? Excample 12:00Am then here 13:00Am
Denmark's timezone is in GMT+1. You can easily just Google timezones and check where Denmark is in order to get it.
No support. -Very little info. -A lot of your information is messed up. -You cannot speak the main language on the server [English]. -Your application is very bland. (No color, bold, italic, etc,) -You're new to the forums.