I'm starting my own clan because I'm tired of people not being active in the main MV clan and getting massacred in every single war. So, if you would like to join mine, it is named Tick Tick Boom (its named after my Prison fac :P )! We will be very active, and will constantly be at war. If you do not want to be active and use both attacks in every war, then I would suggest you not join because we ain't got time for that! We will be kicking non-active members, guaranteed. Anyway, join if you want. There is no minimum trophies to join, so its open for everyone.
are you still recruiting? because i would like to join, i'm: Level: 58 League: Gold League I Trophies: 1908
dyna join the clan im in. its another mc server with its own forums and we are really active/dedicated. we do 2 or more wars a week and although we lose some its really close! clan name: pwn9
We need 1 more member in our clan, more is better of course! But we need 1 more to be able to go to war. Someone please join.
Why is that? You might need to change the settings you are searching the clans for, or maybe you are typing the name in wrong