So anyway I was told to come here as you guys 'like' this 'type of music' and I was generally confused as 'no one' likes this type of music-ish. However, as some of you know mainly I finally got off my butt and decided to put my creativity to use, for the past month I have been making various music around the clock, of course this isn't music you'd put on at a party and get massive reviews (positive) on the music choice you have, it's a genre that allows me to have fun with it! The genre has a small following baseline anyway, so when I made it I did not expect to hit fame level instantly. The genre of course is called Lolicore, of course if you watch anime, you know what a loli is and I would avoid Googling it. Lolicore deprives from Breakcore and Speedcore, essentially a mash-up of beats made to sound coolbeans or terribad (mine) I made a running joke and called it RuinedCore; in which I accept my music to be somewhat bad. What do I want from you? Well I published my first song 20 days ago, I worked on it for 22 hours solid, now my very first track was full of newbie mistakes, terrible merging and really low quality beats, if you do decide to go through and listen start from the bottom up, as then you can see how I learned as I went, no guides were ever used and everything was taught via self-learning and practice. The song with the most views is a song I made called #SorryMeghan which is where I just ripped the song 'all about that bass' and added a simple kick over it, easy enough. it's very bad and I don't understand how it become my most listened to song, but eh. Thanks Meghan! It was a once of thing that I want to avoid, one more in the works which will have more time and be better done. (The song was simply to learn proper audio cutting) Song plays don't really phase me, feedback does. Before I link I do want to warn you this base volume is rather loud, and the BPM of a few songs is 700+ (which is faster than EDM) speaking of EDM, do not confuse this genre with EDM etc, it is very different. That's my soundcloud, which lists all my songs (free to listen) of course I'm working on my PC (not in a studio) with very limited programs, so I cannot produce heavy, high-quality beats. Sucks, I know. Not only that but I have zero talent. If you do decide to check it out, thanks! Do let me know what you think, I'm a big boy I can handle hate. If I make you deaf, sorry. I'd say I'll see you at the top, but sadly I wont ever be there.
Just a quick question, how much you know about music theory? Anyway, being a big fan of Breakcore and Speedcore, I took a look at your take at it, I'm pleased with what I see. The kicks and mastery seem a bit weak, but those are likely from the DAW you have, so can't do much about that. Nonetheless, quality content.
Nope, it all hurts my head, should be something I do though, lol. The kick I cannot get and I don't wanna search it or rip another one, with due practice I'll nail it. I got stuck on the kick for longer than I care to admit. At one stage I tried to make a simple high kick and then low kicks, but it didn't work out how I had it in my head. I tried to make a fast kick to, but god forbid. To this day trying to make a solid kick is more time combined than it took to make everything I have.
As a person who's been pretty into Hardcore, Terror, and such, I've tried to learn how long some big artists in that industry. For the most part 6 - 8 months just to make one, even I could say that's crazy just for a kick, so I'll give you props for getting your's moderately distorted for the time you have. As for music theory, it isn't half bad if you start from the basics. Just learn about basic terms that anybody could say (i.e. notes, rest, arpeggio's, ect.), and expand from there. One little youtube tutorial a day can help a ton.
Anyway, thanks for giving some actual advice and not just saying that its good despite the fact it's trash, lol. You see, Breakcore etc is all experimental and thats how I feel it should be made, sure if I used guides I could make some killer tracks but atm you can kinda tell its experimented-ish and I like that. As for the kick.. I cannot get it, I just cannot, no matter what I do it sounds the same, and it's annoying me. As for Lolicore, it's closer to Gabber than Breakcore, but the BPM is about the same.