My main deal is KitPvP and Prison but I'll add other stuff. KitPvP: 10.5k, 1 Invisi Pot, 50 Stacks Of E-Pearls OPPvP: 900$ Prison: 1.4 Million OPPrison: 350Billion Factions: 82k, 1 Spawner OPFactions: 824k, 2 Stacks of Crepeer eggs and 2 Stacks of Gapples Skywars: 900$ Skyblock: 64 Iron, 2.8k Hellblock: 7.5k
I've seen people pay 5$ Per 200k Prison, That's 35$ There I've seen people pay 5$ Per 1k KitPvP, That's 50$ There + Other stuff
This would probably get you elite or supreme. People know that god is a good rank so they overprice it, lmao.