Welcome to Team Disney v2's recruitment thread. Team Disney is an OP-PvP team. There is an original thread created by me. Anyone who was in the original Disney has been kicked out. I am the owner. There is no co owner. I am looking for two though. Feel free to apply below with the correct form. Owner: Co Owner #1: @PenguinPvPHD Co Owner #2: @Coolest_Elephant Here are the ranks (excluding co owner) you may apply for. Pirates/Normal members. Pirate: {Slot Open} Pirate: {Slot Open} Pirate: {Slot Open} Pirate: {Slot Open} Pirate: {Slot Open} Pirate: {Slot Open} Pirate: {Slot Open} Pirate: {Slot Open} Pirate: {Slot Open} Pirate: {Slot Open} Skeletons/Moderators. Skeleton: @Elric Skeleton: {Slot Open} Skeleton: {Slot Open} Skeleton: {Slot Open} Skeleton: {Slot Open} Jack Skellington: {Slot Open} Jack Skellington is considered the head moderator of the team. You may apply for him but only one person will be chosen. Lions & Lioness's/Admins. Lion/Lioness: {Slot Open} Lion/Lioness: {Slot Open} Lion/Lioness: {Slot Open}Lion/Lioness: {Slot Open}Lion/Lioness: {Slot Open} Mufasa: {Slot Open} Mufasa is the head admin of the team. You may apply but only one person will be chosen. Robots/Helpers {Mini-Mods} Robot: {Slot Open} Robot: {Slot Open} Robot: {Slot Open} Robot: {Slot Open} Robot: {Slot Open} Elephants/Mini Admins. Elephant: {Slot Open} Elephant: {Slot Open} Elephant: {Slot Open} Elephant: {Slot Open} Tantor: {Slot Open} Tantor is the head of the Mini Admins. Again only one person will be chosen. Apply: Ingame name: Age: Rank you're applying for: Why do you want to be accepted?: Skype (PM Me if you'd like): Co owner application: Ingame name: Age: How do I know you? Are we friends? Why should I let you co own? Skype: - flee
Ingame name: PenguinPvPHD Age: 14 How do I know you? not sure Are we friends? we are married Why should I let you co own? cuz I'm awesome af. Skype: i don't have Skype because i don't wanna get DDoS'ed
Ingame name: Coolest_Elephant Age: 13 years old How do I know you? Kik Are we friends? Durrr Why should I let you co own? You asked me to apply xD Skype: I only skype my irl friends :(
Ingame name: _Elric or Elric_ Age: 14 Rank you're applying for: You can choose any rank you want me to be. Why do you want to be accepted?: I currently have no teammates on OP PvP and I'd like some. Skype (PM Me if you'd like): My skype is currently _Elric_
Ingame name: RevealPlaysMC Age: I am currently 18. Rank you're applying for: I am applying for skeleton/moderator/head-moderator. Why do you want to be accepted?: I would like to be accepted because Op PvP is one of my favourite games. I know how lots of things about it, since I'm quite active on it. Also, I'm not very good at PvP but when I get hits in, I win some fights with a tiny bit of help. Hope you understand. Skype (PM Me if you'd like): Sorry, I'm only allowed to Skype my friends.