I just don't think you'd make a good mod (my opinion) and I have never seen you in game Although it is Is a good app, and you are now an active member.
just so you know I play Op Prison almost always, that's why I'm only applying for Op Prison. Thanks for your opinion though
I changed my mind Sorry. In infection. You betrayed me and keep killing me when I showed you the Teaming sign. When I asked why you keep killing me, we were teamed, you ignored me. No Support.
I may or may not have been reading the chat atm but I don't see that as a valid reason to no support but thanks
If you're not going to ask for a reason for people to support don't ask for a reason when I don't support.
He's asking for constructive criticism. But you are right, that you are not obligated to do so if you wish.
If you really want a reason, here's one http://prntscr.com/6fb5ga I've checked and most of your posts are actually from applications you've made(3), be more forum active and helpful.