Hi, I donated the Premium Rank, Then the sponsor rank..Everything was fine..But when I went to buy it for ma friend as a thank you..It donated it to me, Now i'm a premium not a sponsor D: can you fix this and put our ranks as they are?:D Btw, My name is R3VO..Could you set mine back to sponsor and the person I was to be premium is..Kriziarawr Thank you..My mistake D:
Hey there R3VO! I recommend you email [email protected] with: Proof of the donation. (i.e a screenshot of the reciepts you should of recieved after donating.) Your in-game name. Your friend's in-game name. The situation. Good luck! ~Diggy
http://gyazo.com/13e4fcf96a76379fa5cf3abd31d5eb5b <---Proof.. R3VO Kriziarawr Theres the suituation, Can you do it real quick?;)
Not here. Go to your emailing user (Yahoo,Gmail etc etc.) and press compose. It should be a red box. Then type in [email protected] in the address part and do what I said above. I'm not staff.
Diggy has explained this in an exemplary way.I recommend you follow his advice to retrieve your rank as soon as possible.