I've waited a little bit to submit this as the minigames are still in beta. I'm not bored of the one map we have for the climber but maybe some others are already for some reason. The design is similar to the current one but I've made this one more difficult and farely larger if people want more of a challenge. I'll probably change it a little to make it more difficult if requested. The pictures are gyazo's since image uploading isn't working for me. http://gyazo.com/1b9f326adf5a34ede86a390a690b009f http://gyazo.com/186dbc89015c5af6e6904b1aeae2a46c http://gyazo.com/2887c1fee5ca84eb1b300d745e75f202 http://gyazo.com/a359ed19cdae3208076a5f7a037e03ac http://gyazo.com/126ae038a0f12ccb7c73683a5671014f http://gyazo.com/22a0df6d44e6403453f7261aa9a2a958 http://gyazo.com/d4b239b935ee146125330fe333ccc7d2 I solely made this from being bored and in a building mood. I don't expect this to be accepted.
I'm neutral, the lava would cause me to lag and it's really dark in there. But everything else is good. If this was added I probably wouldn't play this map very much.
Thanks <3 Nah I don't make that good maps :p and thanks :3 True. I'll see if I can replace the lava with something else or reduce it.