Ok, so today I logged onto Kitpvp and I saw you can't seem to get ender pearls anymore from any kits may I ask why this is happening and why you can't anymore thank you.
Ik! I have access to Major, Captain, Commander, God, Tempest. And Commander only gives 2 pearls and and major and captain give none? Now my VIP alt is worth of no use.
People, most likely including Cyp felt that enderpearls were too easy to get, which they were. It wasn't right that VIP, a $20 rank got more pearls that a $100 or $250 rank, therefore they took all pearls out. You still get pearls from your Donor kits and 2 from commander, but pearls are more valuable now. I doubt it will change back. I too had a VIP account purely for pearls, but now it's useless. Hope I helped.