My exact in game name is: 12XxCreeperXx. My purchased rank is/was: Titan My exact issue and or game mode where the problem is:Kitpvp Evidence ie: screenshots and/or any helpful information: I buyed Commander rank i hope i can get it back.
Hey Verden! I recommend you email [email protected] with: Proof that you were Titan Your in-game name The situation Good luck! ~Diggy
Go to your controls and setup your screen shot command. Take a screen shot of you being Titan then post it on here. If you are not Titan on any of these and have no proof you can contact NoobCrew or Cyp for them to check they're Paypal if you have purchased Titan. Also you could have typed your name in wrong when you go to purchase one of the ranks but I'm not sure how you can get proof from that. You may be straight up lying for a Titan rank as well, it depends. Stay Gold.
I can show you how to take a screenshot if you like. Just get "KIK" and add me. My username is: xxeditmexx