People are saying that in a week survival server for mineverse will reset, taking away our money, claims, stuff ETC. Is this true??
Yes, it is true. Survival will reset next week due to: • Duplication. Duplicating is when you copy an item through a netherportal which then explodes into multiple items. This is because the netherportal rejects the items (the items are always in mincard + chest which a nether portal sometimes rejects). • Economy change. Duplicating gave everyone tons of diamond blocks which people sold for a lot of (in-game) money. This gave new members an easy $50,000 upon joining. • 1.8 Update. Survival has been up for 1 year now and it's seriously time for a reset. The map is (and I quote) "screwed" according to 78% of the Survival server. Also, this reset should bring a lot of features such as 1.8. (New blocks, commands, mobs) A reset would also give everyone a fair chance at achieving the tallet towers, biggest kingdoms and the richest mansions. Hopefully I answered most of your question(s) abour the reset. Should you have any questions, comments or concerns, please don't hasitate to contact me. Sincerly, #Ares (Survival-Moderator)
Then I must find a place in the middle of the water again. And ask Xena to build the pillar, again. Tough life.
So does this mean we lose EVERYTHING?? Wouldn't it help just to reset the parts that are screwed and the nether? Then also the money levels.
Well he said an 1.8 update ,so it will need an entire reset to add the stuff in and fix the problems.
Man that sucks, since about 2 months ago when our base was raided (somehow??) ,we decided to build a massive 35 x35 3 leveled cirlce domed roof base under a dessert. Now we lose it all :(
what im annoyed about is i dont dupe, it took me ages to clear out a large amount of space to make a large castle that i named after my lizard that past away. it took me ages to build. im half glad about the resset but beleive they should rename the survival hub as it is now to old survival and creat a new one just named survival that way we can still accsess all old stuff for memory sake
We're sorry you feel unhappy with this reset, but think of it this way.. Everyone will have a fresh start!
If you have any questions/comments/concerns about the reset please do not hesitate to call upon me, and I will reply to the best of my ability. #Ares (Survival-Moderator)
Looks like average lifespan of Survival is around 1 year. No sense building anything of value, since it won't survive another upgrade. And the reasons are always the same: dis-balanced economy, ugly, devastated landscape and "fresh start is great" (which is great only for newcomers, actually). Could administration consider - allowing players to download the map containing their buildings, for archive purposes, and/or - create "museum" world and copy such construction there (perhaps as additional service for players)? Otherwise, it only make sense building farms. They are less valuable and will anyway be obliterated. Thanks for the details.