*All values are not 100% accurate. *Please post any corrections to the prices. *This is a work in progress and is not complete Average Value/High Value Pickaxes Chaser Pickaxe - 100/300 Mil Unbreaking 100 Fortune 100 Efficiency 100 Alpha Pickaxe - 500/700 Mil Unbreaking 150 Fortune 150 Efficiency 150 Alpha Pickaxe (old) - 150/200 Bil Unbreaking 135 Fortune 135 Efficiency 135 Elite Pickaxe - 1/3 Bil Unbreaking 200 Fortune 200 Efficiency 200 Omega Pickaxe - 3/5 Bil Unbreaking 200 Fortune 200 Efficiency 200 Omega Pickaxe (old) - 100/500 Bil Unbreaking 150 Fortune 150 Efficiency 150 Omega Pickaxe (Non bolded name) - 2/5 Tril Unbreaking 150 Fortune 150 Efficiency 150 God Pickaxe - 10/20 Bil Unbreaking 300 Fortune 300 Efficiency 300 Lycaon Pickaxe - 30/50 Bil Unbreaking 300 Fortune 300 Efficiency 300 Lycaon Pickaxe (old) - 3/10 Tril Unbreaking 275 Fortune 275 Efficiency 275 Berserker Pickaxe - 10/20 bil Unbreaking 350 Fortune 350 Efficiency 350 Legend Pickaxe - 30/50 Bil Unbreaking 350 Fortune 350 Efficiency 350 Ultra Pickaxe - 30/50 Bil Unbreaking 500 Fortune 500 Efficiency 500 Ultra Pickaxe (501) - 5/20 Tril Unbreaking 500 Fortune 501 Efficiency 500 Titan Pickaxe - 20/30 Bil Unbreaking 500 Fortune 500 Efficiency 500 Tyrant Pickaxe - 30/50 Bil Unbreaking 500 Fortune 500 Efficiency 500 Tyrant Pickaxe (501) - 5/20 Tril Unbreaking 500 Fortune 501 Efficiency 500 Tyrant Pickaxe (502) - 5/30 Tril Unbreaking 500 Fortune 502 Efficiency 500
~~~~~~~~~~~~Rare Items~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gunpowder 30/50 Bil Spider Eye 30/50 bil Sugar 30/50 bil Inc Sac 30/50 bil Bow (High value representing a good bow) 50/500 bil Arrow 30/50 bil Nametag 20/40 bil Ender Pearl 30/100 bil Ender Chest 10/50 bil Eye of Ender 10/50 bil Rotten Flesh 5/10 bil Leather 30/80 bil String 50/100 bil Cactus 5/20 bil Ghast Tear 30/60 bil Egg 100/500 mil Lapis 1/6 bil Bottle o' Enchanting 1/6 bil
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Heads ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Skeleton Head 1/3 Tril Zombie Head 1/3 Tril Creeper Head 1 /3 Tril
~~~~~~~~~~Voting Rewards~~~~~~~~~~ E-token 5/10 Bil Lava Bucket 1/3 Bil Water Bucket No value /shop sells ice Voter Key 250/750 Mil Common Key 3/7 Bil Rare Key 10/20 bil Ultra Key 90/300 bil
reserved for misc items Lycaon Pickaxe (276) 5/20 Tril Fortune 276 Lycaon Pickaxe (old)(1553) 20/50 Tril Fortune 1553 Berserker Pickaxe (355) - 1/5 Tril Fortune 355
There is a guide. In 'Help'. In 'Guides & How to'. And I find it funny how people put a price to an old Lycaon and customised when they are rare and people value them differently. Edit, Legend pickaxe is 350, not 500.
I am not buying this is simply a guide, please refrain from posting anything related to selling items in this thread. All values are currently approximate and are placeholders until i can finish the current list. Please be patient and remember that a value is not set based upon one persons thoughts. I will take into consideration any input on values. I am not spamming my thread, due to the word limit on a thread i simply cannot place all values for items in one post so I need a different post for each section. I can and will put a value upon an item based upon the approximate values of other items. Customized or not it will have a value here, you can either help me or be left out. If you have an input on a specific value then post it and I will take it into consideration. Wrong section or not, I could care less about my post count. I am doing this to help. prices are not stable because there is not a set price to go by that is the type of issue i am trying to resolve and i will not remove any item, if it is in the game and i know of the item then it will be added. this is my thread my post my information. The following applies to everyone I am not trying to turn this into a debate, please refrain from posting useless non contributing information in this thread. If you wish to post then only post information relevant to the topic, anyone who does not follow this guideline then i will request that a mod removes your post to make way for contributing people i would suggest that anyone who has posted so far with information that is not relevant to the topic to delete your posts or edit them and add information that helps.
Okay, some of these prices are quite off :p. I'll give a little fix. You forgot to include Old starter. Chasers are about 200 million. Old omegas are about 25-50 billion. Unbolded omegas are 1 trillion at the most. Berserkers are around 12-15 billion. Old berserkers are about 100-300 billion. Titan pickaxes about 25 billion. (Not yet added). Old tyrant is worth anything from 1-3 trillion due to the rarity, a price is almost impossible to put due to no one sellin them. I'd take out all "altered" pickaxes besides the 501 pickaxes due to infinite possibilities. Water buckets aren't worth anything, either because /warp shop sells ice. God set is about 2-4 billion with each piece 500-1 billion. Add E-tokens as 5-10 billion a piece. Leather is about 10 billion each, enderchests at 20-30. Bows are about 10-30 billion. Lastly, lapis is about 1-10 billion depending on how @Musezeta wants to control the economy. I don't really recommend price guides as prices are constantly changing. You should also try to correct the grammar such as uppercasing the "I"s in the guide to make it look more formal and good-looking.
I agree 100% on the God set pricing Robby has, as most players do in fact buy/sell each piece at a maximum of 1B for a total of 4B per set. As for the Lapis it would be easier to price them by the block than by individual piece. I've been charging different amounts for different people solely based on their mine rank. It's an item that should reach a consensus by the community seeing that its only purpose is aesthetics and building, and that it can be brought into the economy at will. I would like to open a shop for everyone to be able to obtain the Lapis at my plot but with moving, and waiting for my ChestShop issues to be fixed I haven't done it yet. But just like Sui and others have stated, an economy is never a fixed price; it is a fact that can forever change. I do also agree that you should have the post moved to the "Help/Guides".
I see so many mistakes on the prices, like ultra,tyrant,titan goes for 50bil old alpha goes for 150bil MAX!! old unbolded omega dont have a price since its so rare and i had a offer on 2T on mine and bolded old omegas are over 100bil! but the problem with old pickaxes are that the mostly get collected now mined with so its hard to set a value on them, since the owner of the pick and the buyer will have to agree on a price it can be evrything from 1$-10T$ and God pick is all 300 not 200 same as lycaon... and are worth like 10-20bil