Sooo I randomly saw my first TBH but if I reply now it will be a gravedig •-• So! Rules: -Post anything. -I will be honest with you. Spoiler Reply :3
1st! I hate chu ._. NAH I LUV CHU <3 Too friendly and nice, but you like trading stuffs ._. One of my favourite traders :3
If your the guy I know not the sister then you're a really nice friend! I really had fun playing infection and rofling with you! Remember that one day I unteamed everyone XD Algeria! And for you were really nice friends although not too close. I really like playing infection with you and watching you tank for me :3
:3 I remembered that point and you said when your p6 SgtMaj 'Lemme in or I Prestige and bow kill you'
NO NO NEVER Spoiler Lol jk good you didnt rage quit c: You are -Certainly mod material. I met you on forums but I think I saw you in-game only once and we didnt really talk :< I want to know you more in-game :>
Spoiler Will do. Tell me when you would like to play and which gamemodes. I'll leave early from my skateboarding after school so we can play.
P.S I will call you ducky not Elric. I don't think i've met or talk to you in-game but I have seen you on the forums quite a bit. This is my opinion but you seem to like getting into fights with others. I don't feel as this is right but since its your decision I will respect it
I met you once in-game when I was new :> Other than that I see you around on forums quite a lot! You certainly deserve your staff position and Gratz again I don't really know you enough on mineverse other than the fact that you go on OPfactions a lot
Today I might not be able to play but I usually go on Infection/OPprison and hop onto other gamemodes or other Mc servers.