Hey guys i'm making a clan for a few reasons :p only an infection clan this time! To join: ign: Prestige: PvP skill: (out of 10) Bowing skill: (out of 10) Xp Level: Owner: [Blockypro123] Co-Owners: [Scorpiovenom] [Empty] Admins: [gianni024] [Empty] Commandos: [zeldaninjamonkey] [Ashley12zena] [Empty] Archers: [Empty] [Empty] [Empty] [Empty] Footsoldiers: [Empty] [Empty] [Empty] [Empty]
meh. The reason is that you wanna be enemies with my clan: Proof: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/the-21st-legion-infection-destroyers.42658/
Ing: gianni024 Prestige: 4 (got 3 resets) Pvp skill: I'm good at pvp but idk what others think Bowing skill: 9 BOWS ftw Xp lvl: 229 Let's learn them how to play infection blocky! XD (I leave when this clan is getting too big, I just want Some challenges . For everyone who reads this, don't take my first sententie serious xD it's for the fun!
Ign: NoobpandaPVP Prestige: 6 Pvp skills: pvp/archery/redstone is what I'm best at all my friends know that about a 9/10 Bow skills: ppl call me in for aim of mate Xp lvl: 71 I think
In game name: zeldaninjamonkey Prestige: I think it was Cpl, I haven't gotten into infection, until recently PvP skill: (out of 10) 7-8 with lag 9+ without Bowing skill: (out of 10) 10+ no matter what :p Xp Level: Would have to check (Archer, Co, or Commando which ever)
ign:ashley12zena Prestige:nun PvP skill: (out of 10)9 Bowing skill: (out of 10)about 8 Xp Level:69 :3