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  • Cow Eggs & Main Server Shop

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Set271, Feb 22, 2015.

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    1. Set271

      Set271 Active Member

      Dec 4, 2014
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      Are 'Cow Eggs' allowed to be sold on Skyblock? Everything I've read 'bout 'Spawn Eggs' is you can't create them outside of 'Creative Mode'. If they're given with certain 'premium' perks that means they can be used. If not, then I was ripped off for $1,770 for two of them! I was told by the seller to wait a day and try again, okay fine, I can wait a day.

      Well, it is now Wednesday and still can't get the Cow Spawn Eggs I bought from ParanoidStapler for $1770.....LAST SATURDAY!!! And....the subject below........Another reason for a main server shop. Expensive things could be bought without fear of getting ripped off. And more shop owners would be legitimate.

      On the other subject:

      A main Server Shop would be beneficial(IMO) to all especially new players/members/subscribers/donators. It would set prices so the shame would be on the players who don't shop around. It would enable all to get everything allowed(albeit eventually) and no one will be able to hold anything above any ones head. Also, it has become increasingly prevalent the shops that do exist are not maintained often enough(IMO). Having a list of thirty to forty shops that I have accumulated and peruse often I can attest to many, many 'items out of stock' and when selling the chests are full.....and this can go on for weeks! Having the main Server Shop would alleviate those frustrations'. And it should be re-iterated to the various shop owners that we shoppers can't buy stuff if only a few shops buy a limited amount of all items from us, the shoppers.
      I'm no expert by any means but I have been on a lot of different MC servers and Skyblock servers that have main Server Shops and they do very well and are quite popular MC servers. Greed, chaos, and havoc aren't good for the financial health of any system. MC is about building. You can't build with 'out of stock' and 'chest is full'.
      Last edited: Feb 24, 2015
    2. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      Spawn eggs can be obtained through challenges that are tough to most. Yes, they are completely legal to sell and legit to own.
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    3. DaBaws19

      DaBaws19 Active Member

      Oct 31, 2014
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      i have played on many skyblock servers but i find mineverse's one much more fun,
      because you can make a shop and grow in wealth much more easily and expand your island greatly.
      i understand what you mean by shops being expensive too, but that because everyone makes a shop when they start,
      so their first one may be a bit small and expensive. there are a few shops out there which are pretty good.
      i like to think that my shop is alittle popular sincce i go out of stock on all the most common items rather quickly,
      and it is hard too keep up with all the item going out of stock and keeping it cheap at the same time, i have pretty much given up on my shop since i dont have the patience to keep up with all my shops.
      but the most reasonably priced shop is probably /Warp $tore
      but if you want to support the poor go to /Warp BuyMore
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