Hey, SimpleRegionMarket plugin was removed from Bukkit and when we updated to 1.8 we couldn't update SRM which is why everyone plot time was frozen. I've added a new rent plugin to Prison and it's being tested out before I start re-adding all the rent signs. F.A.Q Q1. Will I still keep my plot? A. Yes, I will personally meet you online and create a rent sign so you can claim your plot again. This is to stop other players from stealing your plot. Q2. I paid for # days on my plot, can I get a refund? A. No. It'll be a hassle to refund everyone, sorry. :( Q3. Can you add more cells/plots? A. Yes. Any available plots/cells I will put them up for rent. We're aware PvP is disabled and we're still figuring out why it is not working as we haven't changed anything in the regions. It'll be fixed soon.
Um, if it woulsnt be too much trouble, but would you mind if you could come online for a few to pay me my money back from before I name changed? That would be very appreciated.
Q2. I paid for # days on my plot, can I get a refund? A. No. It'll be a hassle to refund everyone, sorry. :( Q1. Will I still keep my plot? A. Yes, I will personally meet you online and create a rent sign so you can claim your plot again. This is to stop other players from stealing your plot.
Thank you so much for replying! Any idea when yall will roll out the new rent signs? Ill be more than happy to hop on at anytime to be able to get mine taken care of. I have 3 plots but I only want 2 of them.
If that titan is not free, then they shouldn't. Until the access is restricted, use at your own risk. Not free in free world= ban.