Badlerner. I won't say this again, get off my moderator application if you aren't providing feedback or critism, please.
From the day I joined, I had many people I wanted to be staff. You are one of my top ones. Don't listen to Topmass,Support for MANY obvious reasons
Now let's get back to topic. I will say a 50-50. I have yet to see you more mature and less rude. good luck
Support... My first day on survival, I asked u for help and I got it immediately... Thx man and good luck
Clone, he would not ignore any players... I have asked him questions or asked him for enchants ect. And always within like 20 seconds he was there... And u think he would rise above the other players/ staff, I strongly disagree. I think I have gotten to know Ares quite well during my time on mv, and if I know 1 thing,it is that he would make a great addition to the Mineverse staff
I'm not going to start an argument here, so if you have to reply after this just PM me, but here's my take on it. First off, you people clearly forget a sentence right after you read it since you're all taking it out of context; I said that he would ignore suggestions from players, not ignore players. I do think we would answer questions well, but that's not all that a staff member is, I've seen a side of Ares many haven't and it's not one I support being a moderator.
Listen, Badlerner, we're humans. We have our times. Plus, Ares is very mature. I remember when he joined the server, very excited to play with new people. When he got Elite (Highest rank at the time) He was about 15/16. As he got the ranks, he grew more mature and realized that having friends like this is special so if you think he's rude.. Look in the mirror.
Look, Sometimes I have to agree that ares can have some sarcastic remarks. But still the other 99% of him is good. He is extremely helpful and deserves this promotion. You guys just need to look at the good and bad side of him and round up what he is in all. That's how you judge an applicant. More support my friend .
Even though sometimes we disagree Ares. You're still very mature and very dedicated. I give you my all out support. Best Wishes