sgfysdhzfgdschsecfyhhcsdfgzvhgs eaghcagchdzcdhhsfcagbdhcsvdfhgvczhd ghabvdfcsfahevsdacfaf Need more money on opfactions?
I think 2 mil would easily be enough, but it's upto you :P I really don't mind, I think it's already worth it ahah. Nah, I want 100% security on these accounts. Thanks anyway :P
It seriously is though lel, Danny was a beast for doing upgrades so cheap.. He even told me he did it so cheap because he just used his parents card without asking. So 27x3=81.. So you're looking for someone to spend $81 on this **DO NOT CUSS ON FORUMS**? I bought 20k kit money for $35 mate pls fix your offer.
Lol? One offer is worth $25-$27. You didn't buy crap, you scammed it. You should be banned. Get off this thread. As I CLEARLY stated, unless you're willing to buy or want to negotiate, then don't comment. Srsly, you're just as annoying as ever.
NO ONE DO THIS.. It's garbage and a rip off.. And I didn't scam that, I bought it.. I don't scam everything idiotic child.
k pls leave. You're unwanted and don't understand the economy(my guess is that this is because you have scammed so much). If a mod sees this nonsense, please remove it. @HeyitsAlexa please remove all unnecessary posts. I've already requested in my offer for people to not comment, but ignorance is a bliss.