I Did a deal with CosmicGalaxy a couple months ago for 7k in kit for 35$ via paypal and i recently got a chargeback so i dont know nothing about this can i get help from someone. http://gyazo.com/72287a3e0c71b2c2a615a14d9fcd192c ^ Link
This happened to me with another player on skyblock.net just try to discuss with cosmic the reason for the chargeback see if he'll reverse and if your banned on the server because of it just try to discuss it through the support email system they usually are quite understanding.
I cannot lift the charge for it happened to everyone I gave money to, it's all because my PayPal was deleted, so it's not a "real" thing
I remember what happened :3! So, I got a card recently and I decided I didn't want it on PayPal so I tried to delete it, it wouldn't go. I went to my bank and said some1 is using my card. So it made chargebacks to everything... I can't fix it cause my paypal is deleted. Very Very Sorry
Well i lost the case Paypal doesnt cover digital goods and I got charged an extra 20$ so sorry cosmic i have to report you not only did i give you 7k for nothing i also owe an extra 20$ to paypal