Mods, would you please tag them for me? I am sorry to post this here, but there is no other way for me to get a message to you guys. I have asked in-game so many times about this issue and no one can give me any sort of answer. Do you by chance have an estimated time as to when Prison will be fully up and running? The game is at a virtual stand still for a number of reasons. The players are running amok, with hardly any mods being in game. As I have said in the past, tin15cro is the only active mod over there. The plots are not ticking down, and the srm commands aren't working. The voter crates are broken once again, and the main one, PVP is turned off. The players are also very disgruntled over the fact that it has been broken for so long. The new players have no idea what is going on because people are so angry over the fact that it seems (I'm sure you guys really care, I'm just saying how it looks) as if no one cares about how Mineverse is run. I have been trying to soothe players by telling them that you guys are working on the issues but the fact is, I have no idea if you are or not. Yes, I've seen that mini games have been added so that tells me someone is at least working on Mineverse somewhere. I know you guys have lives and other servers. I completely get that. What I don't understand is the length of time that things have been broken, and no one seems to know what the problem is. If it is an issue with the swap over to 1.8, that's fine, could you just tell us, that way we know to be patient for a little while longer? Its just that there are tons of people with a lot of money tied to the server, myself included, that are extremely disappointed in the way things are going. I personally know of at least 10 people, all donators, that have left and won't be coming back. I've seen threads where people are leaving and want a refund or to be able to transfer their rank to someone else so their money doesn't completely go to waste. I hate to see this happening. I love Mineverse. It was my first online multi-player server and has been my Minecraft home ever since my son introduced me to it. I don't mean this thread as a criticism, or being rude at all. Im just stating how I feel and how a lot of people have said they were feeling as well. If you guys would rather PM me or have no response to the thread at all, feel free to lock it once you read it. Thanks for your time. -Dyna
I forwarded this thread to Crew on Skype. Best of luck. Prison is my favorite game mode. I hope it is fixed soon. I know Crew has had his hands full lately with all the UUID transfers, and broken plugins from 1.8 and now with the addition of the new mini games/arcade server he's been a busy guy.
I have another issue to add to that. As a non-B prisoner, I've been inactive lately. However, I also had the elite rank, so I go to prison on a daily basis to sell elite stuff. My exp bottles were starting to overflow and I thought: "Hey, why not make an op wood sword while the pvp's not on yet?" so I spent about 3 stacks of exp to get 30 levels so I could enchant a wooden sword. What I didn't expect, however, was that I actually needed lapis to enchant. O_o I'm not sure if it's a bug or not, but if it is a bug, I for one would like to say that it's annoying. If it's not, then I don't know what to do with my life anymore I still think it's annoying. No offense or anything, and thanks for taking the time to read this. Love, or not, Alan
Yeah, I know right. I'll just post some basic problems: Fix /srm Enable PvP :P Fix voter crates A bug where efficiency of a pickaxe/axe/shovel is lost when Super Breaker/Wood Cutter/Giga Drill Breaker is used.
The need for lapis is a 1.8 thing. Nothing to do with the server. But the lapis came in the table and didn't use it when enchanting.
@Noobcrew @Dyna_Mighty There is no excuse why Prison isn't fixed yet. If there is i want to hear it. People are paying real life money for ranks and the server isnt working :mad:
@Pile_of_Butts how is he a busy guy? Yes he is at sometimes @CypriotMerks im not trying to bash on you, your such a nice person that isnt sarcasm there. but i dont understand im giving you vaild proof i have a mvp rank and im not getting it back/
This is kind of the reason I've been off Prison abit. For little reasons, I can't play very much either due to Work, School, Tafe ect. PvP Is Disabled. Warp Free is griefed/gets disabled every now and then. Voter Crates don't work. McMMO is weird. Srm isn't working. Player Chests aren't working properly. [Stuff inside them are still protected] Can't PvP without lag/knockback lag. These are the reasons why I can't really go on all the time anymore and not really wanting to, but I do check it for about half an hour or so every now and then. I doubt it'll be fixed anytime soon, but I've talked to Cyp, he said he should be able to fix it soon, because It's not like a 5 Minute thing.
. I hope it gets fixed, Prison is my favorite gamemode. This just shows how much the owners actually care about their servers.