I was just wondering if I could get my ranks back on Prison and Op prisoner, When I was promoted I was left as a D prisoner that made it very hard to moderate anything outside of the D block, my Free rank was never re-added when I was a moderator and it hasn't been re added since I resigned. My second request. When I resigned, I still kept my moderator rank on Op prison. Darkie banned me, until my perms could be reset. I'm not exactly sure what happened because I have been unbanned, but now I have been completely reset from N-A prisoner as well as the loss of $400 Billion. Not sure if Cypriot is going to help me out here. I'm not going to tag him as I know that wont work I hope a staff member can notify him or tag him for me Thanks ~Hyper
He hasn't got my O rank or A prisoner rank back ever since I changed my name. I made a request and not one person has replied yet. I highly doubt you will get your rank back
Let me be kind and pay the money you need to get to the rank on OPPrison. N rank you say? Catch me online tomorrow thou.
Its heart warming to see this server has such nice people, but you really don't have to give me anything.
Im so very grateful to both of you but I would still like my Prison rank back, or at least some acknowledgement on how to get it back. I would just follow the advice on buying citizen, however im not sure that will work considering my rank has been messed up for a while now
I would, but I don't have any money. I know that it would be a good idea to try for citizen, but the fact is that even though I rarely play prison ( so it would be very hard to earn enough money) I would like my rank back on principle.