Hello there. I was recently playing on OP Prison and someone in chat said he was dropping an old alpha pickaxe in /warp g. I assumed it was a scam because I remember that there was pvp right outside of that warp. I went and stayed inside the No-PvP Zone and went over to where the guy was. Immediately when I got there, Still in the NON-PVP ZONE, I was murdered by him and lost TWO of my old alpha pickaxes! Now. I do care about the pickaxes, but I have no way to prove that I had them, and therefore no way to get them back. All I am asking is for you to fix this glitch because a lot of other people died there too, and I don't think it's fair as it's in a mining area. Thanks for the help, Stevenator14!
I forgot, and sorry if I'm not allowed to do this, let me know. @PandaBear__ @Lola Perez Thanks to you guys :D Hope to get this cleared up soon!
You got killed in the Non-Pvp Zone? Probs a hacker @HeyitsAlexa Know anything 'bout this? @Darkchyldeone (former mod) Has anything like this ever happened?
It's not a hacker, it's a glitch with where the PVP zone is placed from what I know. It's on the side of the mine, and doesn't say PVP or anything, I just went over and was murdered.
Oh a glitch. I may refund some money to help you and a god pickaxe but heyitsalexa can you tag cyp please?
Okay, awesome. I'm sorry you lost your alphas by the way. I could see if I have a spare one if you want.
That would be WAY amazing... I got one for my friend but for now I have an extra Titan pick... Thanks so much again!
That would be amazing if you aren't going to use it. To Staff: I talked to larrythebird101 in game and showed him the problem. If you need me to show anyone else I'd be willing!
My in game name would be Stevenator14, I'll be on in a little bit. I made some money back from selling all my vote keys, but I'm working on it. Again, thanks for the help!!