IGN: Sticstar Hello everybody. I'm trying to obtain a half decent rank on mineverse, And I'm hoping that the following would satisfy my buyer. I understand It's not much compared to other crazy tycoons, but it's the best I've got. I'd at least like to obtain the rank MVP from the following: Kit PvP: $2,706 + Everything in the enderchest. 3 sets of p4 ( The rest is still p4 ) 3 sharp V swords ( The full durability ones ) 13 gold ingots and 64 golden apples. OP Prison: $1.3 Trillion + 68 gapless and Titan pick :p Prison: $366.14K + 22 vote keys XD Factions: $98,504 Skyblock: $8,100 OP PvP: $712 ( IK not much but it's the best I've got XD) OP Factions : $1,070,760 + 26 creeper eggs Skywars : $1,161 That's all I've got. Thank you for your consideration :D