How old are you? I am 16 years of age(turning 17 this year).I was born November 17, 1998. Your in-game name: Termlicious What timezone are you in? Eastern Time What country do you live in? United States of America What languages do you speak? I speak mainly English but I know a little bit of Spanish Why do you think you should become a mod? I think I should be mod because through my time playing on the server, I have seen tons of people needing help ,and sometimes they are urgent.I love to help people and try to fix their problems as soon as I can.I always want to help people when I get the opportunity to do so.I might be the person to be recognized at first ,but you will eventually notice me.I also think my traits fit well to become a mod or trustworthy person. Traits: -=Trustworthy=- I always keep a promise.Once I promise something I never forget to keep it.I always want to be someone who people can trust ,and tell me anything they have problems with.I believe if people can trust me then I know I am doing to right thing. -=Kind/Nice=- I have a saying "Treat people with kindness ,and you will get it in return." I believe kindness can turn people who are full of hatred to people who treat others with kindness.I always treat people the way the want to be treated(if they are nice or friendly). I never treat my peers and family with disrespect. -=Helpful/Supportive=- I always try to give a helping hand to anyone who needs it. I always offer support who wants or needs it. I never say no when someone is in the need for help because if it were me I would want help/support(plus it is kind of disrespectful). -=Humorous=- I love to make people laugh.When people are frustrated or in the blues,I try to cheer them up by making them laugh with jokes and other stuff. I believe a group of people or friends needs at least one guy to make them laugh. -=Positive=- I try to stay positive and never deny people who are on the need of help.Even when I am down in the dumps or in a mood, I try to stay positive to other people because they don't deserve to be treated poorly by me when they didn't do anything. -=Loyal/Respectful=- Once I am trusted with a great responsibility I never fool around and do what I am suppose to do. I never talk back or be disrespectful to my superiors(like I said I want to be treated like the way I treat people). If someone makes a mistake I simply help them fix it instead of saying something hateful and rude. How long can you be active on the server everyday? I can be on for about 7 through 10 hours everyday.It depends if I have important family matters or dinner lol. How long have you been playing Mineverse? On this account I have been playing for about 2 weeks ,but on my other account I have played for 3 months or more. Have you ever been banned in the past? Once in my entire lifetime(on another server) ,but I have learned from my mistakes and I will never do that again. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes I have twice and I've been admin many times.The servers have been down for over an year ,but the names were KrazyKraft and SoupCraft to name a few. Which two servers would you like to moderate? OPPrison The reason behind just one is that I am active on there than any other game type.I am on there every day sometimes to play and/or just to check up on things. Extra Notes: Thank for reviewing my application ,and I hope I get accepted.
Hi Termlicious, This is a good Starter app, Try and add more detail and get to know the Community more. Good Luck.
I'm 16 years old inthepooty I'm in eastern time zone UNITED STATES OF AMERICA I speak english and Spanish Because i want to help out the community and also be supportive for those who are in need of assistance Everyday, 3-4 hours maybe 5 Been playing Mineverse for a few months 3 to be exact No I have never been banned Yes I have been a moderator on wrathPvp for a day I would liked to moderate OpPrisons and KitPvP of you could arrange those two that would be fantastic! Thank you for taking your time to read my application.
I'm not supporting you Reason: Lying in a moderator application If you really want to become a moderator you must be honest with people You said you joined two weeks ago on this account while it clearly says on your profile you joined yesterday Edit: Add more informations why you want to become a moderator
I'm not lying. I have been playing on the server for awhile but I just made a Forums account because I never needed one before.
Then why saying you have this account for two weeks?