How did Noobcrew/CypriotMerks Get to make The Enderdragon, DUDE its soo Detailed, :O If they downloaded the map, I'd be Sad coz i tut Cyp Built it xD
I believe our previous builder @Dewbious built the Enderdragon. Crew & I didn't build it, no. I wish though. ;p
@CypriotMerks how would you know that he wouldn't scam and build something else secretly and destroy the lobby?
I think so yes, I remember Dewbious telling me he built it. If he's still around on the forums he can confirm if he did build it or not. This spawn has been on Mineverse since forever. :p Can't.
Hi everyone. No, I did not build the Enderdragon at spawn. Noobcrew originally took the map from AndrewD360, who found the map somewhere on the internet. The only thing original in that map is the spawn platform, which was built by AndrewD360. I had originally filled in the dragon with organs and what not, but I don't believe that is the version Mineverse has.