Hey guys, I recently lost everything I had on Prison and every other part of the server due to name change. Old IGN: Purifiedbws Old rank : MVP New IGN: Puri Default rank, nothing in prison. Lost home sets and the works. Money and items. Was also free. Any way of getting this back?
Unfortunately due to the new changes, changing your name means we are unable to actually get you your stuff back other than tping, or going to your old area and unlocking your chests + items. When my perms are fixed on the server I'll jump on to help you out. If you'd like you can send me a message stating when you'll be on today.
Hey there Puri! I recommend you email [email protected] with: Proof that you were Mvp and free. (i.e screenshots/video evidence) Old name New name ~Diggy
I can't give, nor do I have the perms to set ranks. As stated above you can try emailing the support email and see what is said from there. Other than that I don't believe I can actually get you your items back. I can try to check your last known coords, but I'm not positive that'll give me a definite answer.
Are you clicking the [email protected]? Do not do that. When you compose the email type [email protected] in the Who are you sending it to" box.