Hey guys. I been thinking about this clan for a looooooooooong time. Anyway, here is a new infection clan. It doesn't matter if you are in another infection clan. Just so you have fun in mine :3 So here is the template: Ign: Prestige (it doesn't matter): Level (just xp lvl): Prefered rank: Ranks for the clan: Owner: @MVMC Sweg #MC Praetor @Alpheson_Chua @word7032 @Alma Robb Legion Commander: @djaj112 @Mgcarr Allys: @Oppil (Oppil2002) Supreme Overlords: @Alma Robb @Diggy Centurion : @KingAlex @xxxvan @BDON33 Beast Incarnate: @Mylad @xTechnoSkillz(1) Thanks for reading, Your pal, Anonymous
Ign: blockypro123 Prestige (it doesn't matter): 7 Level (just xp lvl): right now lvl 117 Prefered rank: Co-owner.
haha. Still. I give second chances to ppls :3 ... Dat grammar dou I think i understand how you're feeling now.
immediately added as commander due to sweg. thanks. If you want to change position, pm me in the public chat.
Ign: word7032 Prestige: 10 Level: 330 Prefered rank: I dont really care. Just 2 let u know, im one of the 5 highest ranked infection players. Meh
Ign: BDON33 Prestige (it doesn't matter): 7 Level (just xp lvl): 74 Prefered rank: Dont mind actually