I just Made a Updated Thread of Hacks vs Glitches Original is made by: Buntobaga Hacks are Simply Illegal, Making Unfair Advantage on Players: Like: Kill aura Info: Hits Players on a Specific Radius Maybe up to 2-6 blocks Radius. Flight Info: Not very useful but can be used on Lobby's Spawn Sometimes players gets to fly to the Ender Dragon. Aimbot Info: Aim-Bot is Aiming without any Signals from the Mouse, It will automatically Trigger your Target Point to Players nearby. Jesus (Note I am not Making Jesus' or Gods name In Vain) Info: When activated, You can walk on water. Glide Info: Gliding also Known as Glide, Can slowly fall like a chicken. Nuke Info: Nuke's alot of Blocks on a 5x5+ Radius (Usually works on Creative Mode) Tracer Info: Draws a line to all loaded players. WayPoints Info: Draws a box around the position and draws a tracer to the box. (Add them with the console or with chat commands) NoKnockback aka Anti-Kb Info: Prevents knockback from anything. (Snowballs, players, fishing rods etc.) Freecam Info: Allows you to walk outside of your body and go through walls to inspect other parts of a map. PlayerESP Info: Draws a Box around Players Names Info: Makes name tags larger, more distinct, and shows the player’s distance away as well as their current health. CaveFinder Info: Shows Where Caves are MobESP Info: Draws a box around mobs. (Blue for passive, red for hostile)