I made a simple mistake and they rate bad spelling. Opps, I made a little mistake. Stop ruining my profile with bad spelling. I just joined the server give me a break. And I just joined, and I kinda of think what kind of community you guys are, but some people. Some people are really nice, but other people are just jerks.
Laughed harder than I should've at this. It's not often I meet a person as blunt as you are. 10/10 ign
Wow, I am just messing with you guys. I just wanted to see what you would say to it. A nice comment like nice people, but most of you are all haters, and only some nice people that's kind of sad to me. I test minecraft server website's for this, and you guys failed Congrats
I made these mistakes on purpose. It was all a test for the people of the server to respond to a stupid comment, and not be rude, and be nice, but all of you did hated comment, and some nice comments. Thank you for the nice comments.
lol. you wot m8. I swear, then you shouldn't have made a thread about people giving you ratings. Obviously I do not care about bad ratings or anything. If you think my post is a joke, then you can ignore me.
Its funny, how everyone is disliking my post. That's how horrible you people are. Like for real? Dislike it after I say its a test to what would you guys comment to something stupid.