I want like to Glitched 501 fortune Pick to get remove from OP Prison. because it too op and get 7 stack 53. I will be happy if this remove. If the Owner and Co-owner add the sign for fortune (50 Enchant-Token). This will be great and fair. What do you think of this? Thank you everyone, Hope you have a nice day! Happy Valentines Day!
Well. If the Owner and Co-owner add the sign for fortune (50 Enchant-Token). This will be great and fair.
The sign was already removed... for now. I like your idea on increasing the amount of E-Tokens To Buy it
You only say this because you lost your 501 to gizzbots in pvp. your just mad that you dont have one anymore if i remember you were bragging about your pick before you lost it. Also these picks are now worth trillions removing them would cause alot of anger for the people who paid for them. there rare now, these picks make a milestone to reach to be considered "op" and rich. All these flavors and you choose to be salty
KK, Rob is complaining because I killed him for his 501 pick. Literally, I've received nothing but harassment from this fool the past few days - He simply doesn't give a crap about how OP the pick is, he just wants to get his pick back. Rob, you're a very jealous person, and you wonder why I wouldn't give your pick back. SMH, Crew and Cyp don't have the time to deal with this nonsense. I warned you that you would look stupid, and to all the people who are saying support(so far at least) I find it extremely petty and sad that you guys are following Rob. From most of you, I've had you guys spamming me in game about how mean I am - Cut it out. The immaturity is real - Seriously Rob, grow up. You're one of the most selfish people I think I've ever met... And I leave you with this - http://prntscr.com/64k8fi #2Selfish4Me #PreachIt