I know you continue to tell us plug-ins are being recoded and updated for the server to work properly, but this one is pretty important. Shop signs in OPP are not currently working and need fixing. The following video show a demonstration of me creating shop signs that do not work properly. Also others asked me to record myself trying to use anvils and enchantment tables seeing as they are not accessible; if all three things could be fixed that would be great, but if anvils and enchant tables were intentionally blocked I think people could understand reasons as to why. @PandaBear__ or @canucksfan44 would you mind tagging Cyp or Noobcrew so they are aware of the issue.
@CypriotMerks @Noobcrew Sorry about this Musezeta moving into 1.8 there havebe en many bugs. Cypriot and crew are working very hard to try and fix them. be patient ty for reporting the bug.
Yea, plus randomly disabling plots, and that weird " or .v thing that pops up when your inventory is full
I retested to make sure it wasn't some sort of hiccup in the coding or whatever it might be and I still cannot create a shop sign. I tried multiple items in game both those with # or : exctensions and even number only values like steak. None of which proceeded to change text on the sign, or give me a "Shop created" popup in chat.
What about enchant tables and anvils? Is it due to lapis not being available or you trying to get hold of a plugin that gives infinite lapis in enchant tables?
I tried this yesterday. I used to be able to do it and I have efficieny IV fortune III and Unbreaking IV Axe but I can't enchant rn :/