Hi der I'd like a rank upgrade on a different server it's a 40 dollars rank upgrade right now and this is the stuff I have to offer for it Kitpvp: 6154$ 3 sets of p4 Unb3 3 sharp 5's 4 gaps Oppvp: 17 sharp 30's with etc enchants 3 stacks of gaps Prisons: 183084 Opprisons: http://gyazo.com/b6c41c890c22709d561547840bd21306 Opfactions 448290 7 sets of p10 4 sharp 9's 76 creeper eggs 3 stacks of obi 96 diamonds 2 voted crate keys 1 Diamond axe sharp 5 unb 3 efficiency 4 1 cave spider spawner and 30 skyblock: 5900 factions: 107500 If you'd like to do this pm me and i'll give you the details [Sorry for how bad this is put together doing this on my phone]
I just thought to point out that the kit will only be 40 dollars for a few fays more. Then it will go back up to a 45 dollar price :>
I honestly would NEVER EVER do a trade involving REAL money. If anything you could scam someone and run off like I've seen before. Good luck :p